What the Planets Suggest About a Vaccine ~ 29 Aug 2020

Ultimately, everyone wants to know when life will again have some semblance of normalcy. While I do not possess an empirical astrological study of inoculations, many of the transits in our not-so-distant future portend positive results for the development of a vaccine.

A short while ago Russia reported development of a viable vaccine for COVID-19. They’ve offered help to the U.S. help which was turned down by health authorities. It’s been reported that Mexico currently negotiates with China for one of their two vaccines. British medical researchers are on the task, too. And this past weekend, President Trump unveiled FDA approval of a yet unproved, yet promising, convalescent plasma therapy for those battling the virus.

Currently, Orcus, the Etruscan version of Pluto, in Virgo opposes the Centaur Nessus in Pisces. Since Orcus moves in a similar orbital period to Pluto, and Nessus strolls about the Sun once every one hundred twenty-two years, this pattern has been in orb essentially since December of 2019 and will remain in effect (within a reasonable orb) essentially through April of next year. Nessus, according to his mythology, has a hand in matters of bad blood. The therapy offered up by the president the night before the commencement of the Republican National Convention uses the plasma derived from those previously infected to heal those now infected. Given that Orcus’ big deal is ensuring that oaths and promises are kept, whether conscious or otherwise, this was an intention to keep a promise no doubt perceived to fit neatly into his campaign. Regardless of all the political noise, while unproved, the results of convalescent plasma therapy do offer hope. As I write this post, Mercury in Virgo transits Orcus and opposes Nessus in Pisces.

On 3 September Ceres in Pisces retrograde, conjoins Gonggong. The same day the Sun in Virgo opposes Nessus in Pisces, and thus aligns with Orcus in Virgo. At this point likely the reality of the healing modalities reported this past week come into light. It’s a good time for this, too. One news story last week predicted no vaccine until mid-2021. Can we find something more promising than that?

As well, it seems certain that in response to the transits above, companies involved in vaccine creation will tout optimistic testing results in an attempt to fast track delivery of a remedy to immunize the population en mass. Given this trend promises good news, it would appear that one of the presumed viable vaccines disappoints under the scrutiny of meticulous analysis. Still, another looks better and safer than expected.

While this wave of advocacy for a vaccine for an immediate cure of the virus that originated in the land of Gonggong’s mythic origin receives bold touting, it is likely that despite claims of success, viability of mass vaccinations does not occur in the short term.

The campaign of Ceres conjunct Gonggong does not conclude until 30 November. At this point, it makes even more sense that good news is available, and will be held a little while longer before formal announcement. On 26 December Ceres returns to align with Nessus in Pisces. Thus, in late December, for a cluster of astrological reasons, likely the promise of mass vaccination steals all headlines and offers prevention instead of reliance upon the treatment of those infected.

When!? When can the shots be dispensed? Mars symbolically represents to poke with a needle. In January Mars makes major aspects with Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. This appears to be the time.

On 10 January Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus. The possibility of mass inoculation seems likely to be announced. Of course, Uranus is involved. While this implies “all the people” those obsessed with personal freedoms may grumble and protest. Can a company force an employee to get a shot? Can an organization or medical institution demand one seeking treatment be immunized prior to receiving treatment? This remains to be determined. Here’s a question though: How much cantankerous grumbling do Mars and Uranus require before engaging a solution?

Also in this interval, valid anti-vax questions arise. How long is the vaccine going to last? What’s in it? How is it preserved? What harmful ingredients or side effects do we need to know about before complying? There will be a lot of noise at this time and much of it will be from those individuals lined up to get their shot.

Come 12 January Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. Given Saturn is known for what he is, it is like that the chain of distribution of the available vaccine does not execute and function at its best during Mars’ get-go. Likely companies cannot produce the treatments fast enough. Then there’s the issue of who gets it first? What countries will it be sold to, and in what quantity? Speaking of sold, there’s that Taurus element of how does a person have to pay for the shot?

Ultimately, this is an Aquarian time - so excluding any segment of the global populace for any reason makes absolutely no sense. The goal is to defeat a global pandemic. Shun nationalistic tendencies, deferring instead to the consciousness of the planet and the solar system (and beyond) in which Earth orbits.

As the Sun moves from Capricorn to Aquarius in late January, specifically on 22 January, Mars in Taurus squares Jupiter in Aquarius. Now we got it. Jupiter rules scale and scaling up. While there may still be a bit of a delay, ones place in line can be assured. Meanwhile, given that Orcus and Nessus continue opposing each other, plasma therapies should be assessed as reliable and in place for those who have contracted the virus. This could be the beginning of the eradication of the pandemic.

Again, I do not have an armada of data on the astrology of pandemics. However, I am convinced that the symbolic architecture of the planets accurately portrays the scenarios outlined. Let’s hope so. Wouldn’t it be awesome to enter 2021 knowing that soon COVID-19 - and perhaps other COVIDs as well - can be seen in the rear view mirror? Here’s to strong energy to support those working thankless hours in research labs. Here’s to the sanctioning of genius to lead to a major breakthrough in medical research.

As those who believe in how the planets manifest their energies in the mundane, here’s to all of us believing in the fullest and most ideal application of December’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Let it be so that the global grief can be relieved... on all levels.